How to Use red star in a Sentence
red star
The moon shines above and to the right of the red star Antares.
—Arnold Pearlstein,, 9 June 2019
Betelgeuse is the bright, red star just left of center.
—Popular Mechanics, 18 Apr. 2023
There will be a bright red star seen in the night sky, not to be confused with the red planet, Mars.
—Joe Mario Pedersen,, 28 Feb. 2021
And just above the southern horizon lurks the heart of the scorpion, a red star named Antares.
—Dean Regas, The Enquirer, 23 June 2020
Some astronomers suspect the end may be near for this beloved red star.
—Jennifer Leman, Popular Mechanics, 30 Dec. 2019
On the cover, the inevitable swastika is flanked by two red stars.
—Naomi Fry, The New Yorker, 23 Apr. 2018
Its red star, displayed on the front of the house, is reserved for homes built in the 18th century.
—James Alexander, Hartford Courant, 4 Aug. 2024
Inside the box are crunchy red stars that offer a nod to the city’s flag, and on the box is a map of the city’s neighborhoods.
—Theresa Vargas, Washington Post, 30 Mar. 2024
In the first picture above, see how the small galaxy has no red star-birth regions in it?
—Phil Plait, Discover Magazine, 4 May 2011
On the left side of the helmet, there’s the Winter Soldier’s metal arm, with his red star changed to green.
—Dallas News, 13 May 2022
Aldebaran is a bright red star, part of a V-shaped pattern that represents the Bull's Face.
—Todd Nelson, Star Tribune, 31 July 2021
His head is crowned by dark curls, his face adorned with a red star, a symbol of his Workers’ Party.
—Jon Lee Anderson, The New Yorker, 23 Jan. 2023
This bright red star is the most brilliant member of Scorpius the Scorpion.
—Arnold Pearlstein,, 7 July 2019
Antares, a red star in the constellation Scorpio roughly 600 light-years from Earth is one of the brightest lights in the night sky.
—Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 24 Aug. 2017
The left sleeve has a nod to the spot in the city where the north and south branches of the Chicago River meet, and the red star in the Cubs logo on the hat is a tribute to the city of the Chicago flag.
—Jared Wyllys, Forbes, 8 June 2021
One of Mars’ buddies will have prominence in the night sky, the constellation Scorpius and its bright red star Antares.
—Richard Tribou,, 3 July 2018
Leave aside the double standard here — how many hipsters are there with the hammer and sickle or Mao’s red star on their T-shirts?
—Andrew Sullivan, Daily Intelligencer, 22 Sep. 2017
The Chinese fighter jet was so close, the CNN crew could see the pilots turning their heads to look at them – and could make out the red star on the tail fins and the missiles it was armed with.
—Ivan Watson, CNN, 24 Feb. 2023
Wearing white unitards adorned with blue and red stars or a stripe down the side of the leg, the young dancers bounced on their feet before tilting forward and back to the propulsive beat.
—Gia Kourlas, New York Times, 11 June 2023
Betelgeuse is a bright red star in the Orion constellation—one of the closest massive stars to Earth, about 700 light-years away.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 12 Aug. 2022
The spatula has bright yellow ears of corn interspersed with tiny red stars.
—Brandee Gruener, Southern Living, 12 July 2024
The moon passes near the bright red star Aldebaran on Sunday morning before sunrise.
—Arnold Pearlstein,, 23 June 2019
Gaze toward the west after darkness falls to see ruddy Mars approaching the much brighter red star Aldebaran, also known as the eye of Taurus, the bull.
—Andrew Fazekas, National Geographic, 1 Apr. 2019
Chicago Cubs There are a lot of elements to like about this uniform, namely the cap, which has a red star inside a C. A lot of other nice small touches.
—Evan Grant, Dallas News, 27 Mar. 2023
Military-issue rubber sandals and 1960s Russian textbooks line the shelves above us; the staff wear khaki-green camo and peak caps adorned with red stars.
—Peter Jon Lindberg, Condé Nast Traveler, 20 Nov. 2018
This shift in brightness could signal changes for the red star, and some scientists believe a supernova could be on the horizon.
—Jennifer Leman, Popular Mechanics, 30 Dec. 2019
Astronomers have long known that Betelgeuse is a supergiant red star at the end of this sequence and that a supernova is likely.
—The Physics Arxiv Blog, Discover Magazine, 13 June 2023
The constellation also contains the bright red star Betelgeuse, which marks one of Orion's shoulders, and the bright blue star Rigel, which marks the other shoulder.
—Jamie Carter, Forbes, 1 Jan. 2023
So two blue stars close together might be resolvable in a telescope, while two red stars at the same separation won’t be.
—Phil Plait, Scientific American, 30 Aug. 2024
Notably, the bright red star sticking out of the topmost pillar's southeastern edge, are larger than the size of our entire solar system.
—Julia Musto, Fox News, 29 Oct. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'red star.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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